Thursday 18 August 2011

Quotable Jane!

As part of my day job I am putting together 365 Jane Austen quotes for a 'Quote A Day' app. Searching lesser known works I have just come across this passage from 'The Three Sisiters' and it made me giggle so much I thought I would share it with you!

"And is your Courting so soon over?" said Sophy.

"Courting! (replied Mary) we have been quarrelling. Watts is such a Fool! I hope I shall never see him again."

"I am afraid you will, (said I) as he dines here today. But what has been your dispute?"

"Why, only because I told him that I had seen a Man much handsomer than he was this Morning, he flew into a great Passion and called me a Vixen, so I only stayed to tell him I thought him a Blackguard and came away."

"Short and sweet; (said Sophy)

Just lovely!

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